Warrior Nun Halo-Ween Fanfiction Contest and WN Inktober

Wolfie @BabyHaloWolf is at it again with Warrior Nun projects for October. she took the time to answer a few questions for us about how the project was put together.

Name/Twitter Handle: Wolfie/@BabyHaloWolf

OCS: Where did the Halo-Ween Fanfiction idea come from?

Puh, already a hard question. I was playing with the idea of doing a Halloween contest for quite some time but couldn't pinpoint what I wanted to do exactly. The idea came from a friend who wondered why there weren't that many Halloween fanfics in her fandom - she is a big LoL fan - and it clicked. We have so many amazing writers in the fandom; one of the best there are. And why not focus on them and give them a chance to win something? 

(And of course it's also a (trick or) treat to read some Halloween stories from my favorite authors hehe).

OCS: Why a Halloween theme? 

Big Halloween fan! It is my all time favorite time of the year! Even though I'm pretty squeamish with blood and gore…

Hallows’ Eve is the one day of the year where the veil between the world's is thin - where the dead walk among the living. While it's mostly known for the malevolent spirits that are fought off by Jack o lantern's it's also the day to honor the dead - and that is a comforting thought.

Also it is amazing to dress up as my user name Wolfie for one day of the year without people looking funnily at me hahaha.

(You should all see how much I decorate my mom's house every year)

OCS: Why did you decide to do a contest? Why is it important for the Warrior Nun fandom?

I thought it would be fun. Contests generally are a nice thing to engage with people and I used to organize them a lot when I was in school and grew to love them.

As for the fandom, I believe that it is important for us to have such social events to engage with. For example the halo art and the cooking book. And our writers get some time in the limelight and it's them that help us to survive the content drought.

OCS: How did the prize come about?

Twitter has a tendency to show me old posts that I liked or bookmarked in the past, including some artworks from the talented Note made for some fanfiction writers. There I thought it would be a perfect prize for a contest and bombarded her with a wall of text with the idea. And with an enthusiastic yes from her the contest was born. (Note thank youuuu!)

OCS: How are you coming up with the writing prompts?

I got a document on my computer called ‘Brain Dump' where whenever I am bored during studies and think about Warrior Nun I add something. It added up. A lot. Like I'm suppose to solve a law case and I'm thinking about Ava fighting off possessed Bea. And it's distracting hahaha. Then I open the document, add the idea and continue working on my actual work. And I use these ideas for the Nun prompts now.

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

It was the first larger community I was a part of. Beyond the fight for the show the fandom is very active in supporting people and the change for a better world. It is something I do miss with a lot of other people these days and it changed me positively as I see how much we can do together.

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

I want to cite my last French teacher: “A small baby bird lands on its beak at first but will eventually soar through the sky.” Even with one or the other setback, as long as we push forward we will succeed.


Get spooky #WarriorNun fandom! - CONTEST TIME - Get your divinium pens ready and write a halloween themed Warrior Nun fanfic until the 27th for a chance to win a commission by the (in)famous @noooooo_te

How does it work?

  1. Write a WN Halloween short story

  2. Post a link to your story under the contest post

  3. Winner receives a commission voucher from @noooooo_te

Follow Warrior Nun Prompts for daily ideas.

After interest on Twitter from a few artists that participated in the inspiring #WarriorNunInktober project last year, Wolfie jumped in to help put together the prompt List. The fandom and (myself) can’t wait to see what they come up with and will bring you content coverage throughout the project.

#WarriorNunInktober Nun-Tober 2024 Prompts