Name: APSC0
Social Media: Twitter
you've come to the realization that you have not succumb
the ability to keep pushing was not once broken
it seems like you've faced wars
it feels like it too
the sword gets too heavy for you to weld and you weld it despite it.
have been told you were ready;
to march to present,
to become.
was it not heavy anymore?
carrying the shoulder weight of the earth on yourself.
it has felt like a feather and hit like a boulder.
regardless of the stories of the brave before,
I chose to believe you the strongest.
Sister Beatrice has shown how I grew up. Timidly fearful of what others would say about me because of how much they expected, leaping into unconformity of their ideals, and trying to believe that who I am was who I was meant to be. Now that I can look back and see howmuch of our stories we share, allows me to see I was never wrong in who/how I loved, it has always been, I have always been;beautiful. I see myself in her, my growth and fears, my collision of what I've been told was right to what I know is. We’ve gotten to seeher fade from perfection, and get ting to experience what she wished she knew to love rather than hide. She learned to :find comfort in theunknown, in the broken, in the middle of everything she's never known. ·warrior Nun has shown so many stories but also told some of ourown in its own bad-ass nun way. Kristina portrays Bea with such depth and care, to have someone like Bea in the media means somuch more than words can describe. May we meet Bea again in this life, there is so much more left unsaid, unheard and unraveled. But for now, I'll forever cherish every aspect that makes Beatrice for who she is and the lessons she's taught me. There's no one else like her.