Pyro Art by Kass

#WarriorNun Pyro Art by Kass @ElizaLovesKC

What are the tools you need for Pyro Art?

  • You need burner - one heat - nozzles

  • Wood - can order online; diff sizes

  • Saw the wood

  • Sandpaper to make safe

  • Find art and get permission

  • Carbon paper

Have you tested out with different types of wood?  Which is your go to and why?

Now that you’ve gathered all of your materials, what’s the first step to creating this Pyro Art?

Shows us how they trace the image and it is transferred to the wood.

How intricate can the drawings or designs be? How long does it take to transfer the art alone? Do you have to use pencil to transfer or can you use a pen or other items? Do you ever free hand? Or is it recommended to always draw it out first and then transfer via carbon paper?

Now it’s time to burn! How do you safely ensure that your tool is ready to go? Any tips on how to handle the burner?

10 min to get burner ready can try on another piece of something.

Harder you press the darker the line is.

Any tips on where to start (at the edge, in the middle? etc). How much pressure to add? How forgiving is this medium? If you “mess up” how to fix?

Halfway done.

Videos of finishing the burning.

Final Burning, finished version.

Final Burn.

Videos of Burn.

Still of final burn.

Zoom In on final burn.