Thoughts from the #WarriorNun Fandom

One year ago, the day before a “big announcement” was scheduled to drop on the WarriorNunSaved website, the Warrior Nun fandom received the news that Simon Barry was NOT involved with the Warrior Nun Trilogy. This news led to massive confusion and fear of the fate of Warrior Nun. Then the “big announcement” turned out to be an art contest to design a new Halo. This news led to much confusion and backlash. Since then there has been no official news released and the website remains unchanged. We set out to gather thoughts and feelings from the Warrior Nun fandom from the past 15 months.

Then on September 26, 2024, Nick Bythrow broke the news to the Warrior Nun fandom about the financial probe going on with the production company tied to the Warrior Nun trilogy. Once again, we returned to each HaloBearer and asked what this news meant to them. One major theme from most of the answers center around the fandom and the love, dedication, and willingness to continue the community we created despite the unknown future of the show that brought us together. Our sincere gratitude to the 17 HaloBearers that took the time and energy to share their thoughts and feelINGs to the rest of us.

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Name/Twitter Handle: the Ham / bea_the_badass

OCS: A little about yourself 

Hmm let’s see… I’m very happily engaged, we have the most bestest dog, I am from Washington DC (please vote blue in November!!) I love doing puzzles, LEGO, and little crafts of all kinds. I like reading, hiking, sports, working out (go Team Bea!) and playing board and card games. 

OCS: How did you discover Warrior Nun?

Scrolling around Netflix one day during the pandemic I found Season 1. I’m definitely into fantasy series with a lot of female characters so this fit the bill! I binged it and it was great - by the time Season 2 came around I had forgotten most of Season 1. I finished Season 2 even faster and immediately knew it was going to change my brain chemistry forever. I actually promised myself that if Season 3 happened I would go back and rewatch both seasons… obviously that did not happen. So as a result I haven’t actually rewatched either season yet, just the once - it’s still too painful for me.

OCS: What made you want to fight to save the show?

As soon as I finished Season 2 I knew it was in danger. I saw what happened with so many other shows, and especially First Kill, just a few months before. I had never really been part of a fandom before, and I joined Twitter the day we got canceled. Hearing KTY speak on the space that day really shook me, seeing how much people cared about this show I knew it was worth getting more involved and fighting. There have been times when I felt like it was hopeless, but all the incredible art, writing, and just the whole community we have built brings me back every time. 

This show was and is special. The diverse female cast, the amazing and complex themes of religion and faith, the beauty of the cinematography, the LGBTQIA+ representation, I mean I could go on for pages. I personally have never felt so seen as I did with Beatrice’s character, and I know so so many of us feel the same way with Bea and with every other character too. That’s worth fighting for. That’s worth saving. 

OCS: How did Mr. Krabs start?

I am a big Spongebob fan haha I quote lots of stuff frequently from the show. When we had the countdown for the trilogy announcement I tweeted Mr. Krabs every day until the announcement. It was wayyyyy more fun to count towards something exciting than what sometimes feels like an infinite count that could end in disaster… The current count was mostly begun out of cheek - I certainly thought we would get some news pretty soon after the disastrous halo design competition but I guess I was wrong. Never in a million years would I have thought I would still be doing this a year later.

OCS: What drove you to keep it up for a whole year?

A few different things! Partly because this stupid count is basically my only way to hold those in control of the show/movies/rights responsible and remind them that we are still here and haven’t forgotten. Party because folks seem to enjoy it and the little shenanigans Mr. Krabs gets up to at conventions and at home. Then just a little dash of spite because I am very stubborn :) 

OCS: When/How did Mr. Krab develop from a meme to a stuffed mascot? 

I’d have to say HalobearerUK in London. The amazing Maisel and Adrienne both surprised me with a little Mr. Krabs keychain and a little plushie! Of course I then had to run around and do silly things with him and take lots of funny photos. Thus a legend was born.

OCS: Your thoughts on Mr. Krab becoming a #WarriorNun fandom mascot?

I’m so honored that the fandom holds Mr. Krabs in the high regard of fandom mascot! To be up there with Carl is very special. It’s also incredibly funny/silly explaining the krab count to folks who haven’t been aware of it (like David and May) and the way KTY knows all about it makes me very happy!

OCS: Your thoughts about Mr. Krabs at Witchbomb2?

Major shoutout to my peeps Robin, Wolfie, Kiera, and Quint for getting him there and providing so many fun photos and keeping me in the loop! I wish I had been there too. There was a video or two of Mr. Krabs asking questions at panels or getting out on the dancefloor and it was so amazing and funny to see everyone rally around this silly little meme crab.

OCS: Future plans for Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs would really love to retire!! I think he might get kind of bored though, so perhaps he could count down towards something good instead of counting up… only time will tell. He will absolutely be at Vaticon in February and hopes to see many of you there too! Keep an eye out for him running around with PHD :) Until we get some actual trilogy news he will be on Twitter every day making sure our voice is still heard.

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

Honestly I couldn’t believe it. We had fought for what felt like forever, and we got Warrior Nun back! Of course I would have rather had another 5+ seasons rather than 3 movies, but hey the extended Lord of the Rings movies span like 11+ hours! It was so much more than almost any other fandom ever gets “saving” their show. I was happy.

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

That was when the dread and panic started to seep in… Simon so so very carefully crafted the entire story, and especially avatrice. Not having him at the helm raised all kinds of alarm bells that we would not see the careful character building and plot that we had fought so hard to save. 

OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

…fury? I will leave this one short. Felt like a slap in the face. There is a time and a place for everything and that was most certainly NOT the time or place for that contest.

OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

I’m so proud of this fandom for pivoting so completely to the new hashtag. It shows that we are not going to be satisfied with anything less than we were promised, which is one of the best TV shows ever seen for so many of us. We’re fighting for our voice, for our representation, for our right to be seen. And the beautiful thing is that that can mean lots of different things to lots of different people. That is the mark of true art - something that can speak so specifically and individually to viewers but has such a huge audience. 

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

Well the “news” cut the momentum of our movement off at the knees. You can see it clearly in the number of hashtag tweets made over the last 22 months. I am still seeing people on Twitter surprised that the trilogy (at this point) is not the same characters or story. Beyond that, trust has been severed with the fans. There is a global fandom waiting for this story to continue and honestly whoever manages to properly harness our power will make a lot of money, which at the end of the day is critical. 

OCS: Your thoughts on what they should do to get the fandom back on board?

Pretty simple - we need concrete news. We understand that making this universe takes time, but that is a lot of time to be uncertain. I do think that the “we saved WN” announcement was too soon, but I respect that they were trying to give us news when we hit the 15mil benchmark. I believe a lot of things were mishandled here, but I do not think it cannot still be salvaged. However, if the lack of news and transparency goes on for too much longer I fear that the fandom support of the trilogy (which is already extremely tenuous) will dissipate entirely, which would be a shame because we spent so long fighting and showing there is incalculable support for this story.

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

The last two years of trying to save this show deserves a documentary series for real like you can’t make this shit up! Some truly wild things have been happening. But if at the end of the day we get them back then it will have all been worth it. 

Listen I can’t pretend I’m not disappointed by that news and by how this has all been handled from the start. I spoke with Dean in London and he implied that getting this trilogy (in whatever form it might take) up and running was part of the long game to get the story we want back. Now we can debate and question whether that was sincere/realistic, but to me that was the most concrete way forward to getting what we all want. We don’t know how that funding shitshow is going to impact the trilogy yet - but it’s very likely that it means bad bad news. 

My feeling is that either way, this fandom is owed transparency and some actual concrete news about the trilogy. I’ve thought a lot about it over the last couple days, and that’s why I decided to keep up the Mr. Krabs count. When there is actual news about the movies, whether it is good or bad, that is when the count will stop. I feel like at this point I’ve come too far to stop for anything less than real news. And I know that I have the support of so many of you, even if I need to stop counting for my mental health, that others could continue in my stead. Plus, I want to show you all my little project for the one year anniversary! 

OCS: Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag?

To me both hashtags are good, both communicate what we want, which is a continuation of the original series. I do see that if the trilogy does not happen then we are back to the #SaveWarriorNun, trying to get Netflix to reverse the decision or release the rights. I also agree that we have great numbers with the OG tag, which is great for marketing the fandom to potential buyers. Change can also invigorate a movement, give us new focus. What matters to me and to just about everyone I think is getting our nuns back, all of them. So in sum I think that what matters is unity - the whole fandom on the same page, whatever that hashtag might be :)

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

I mean I have a WN tattoo on my arm lol. But in all seriousness this has been life changing. I have never been part of a fandom before, and I doubt I will ever find another one like this one. For a while when I first joined Twitter I was very serious about only tweeting as much as possible, having my account only be for Warrior Nun and never getting into personal stuff. But you all were so welcoming, and it slowly brought down my cautious defenses. I started interacting more with other people and I was enjoying it! Last summer when we lost our childhood dog I think was the real turning point. I posted what happened and the outpouring of support was overwhelming (like literally tearing up writing this even a year later). I think it was then that I realized that we had formed an incredibly unique bond over this show, these characters, and this fight. Fast forward to HalobearerUK and I just had the most magical time. I have never felt so immediately accepted, especially by people I never even met in real life and who didn’t even know my real name. And now I have made wonderful friends that I talk with all the time, we are creating amazing things together, and I can’t wait for the next time I get to see everyone. It’s been an honor <3

I’ve learned a lot over the past almost 2 years. I’ve realized I’m a lot nerdier than I used to try to be, and that’s ok. I have learned to embrace that part of myself more openly and not care what me from my early 20s would have thought. I’ve learned that online friends are real friends, are a real family and are a treasure no matter where they are. I’ve learned how important representation is for many many communities, and how we all feel like we need to fight to get it. 

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

As long as there are two of us here this fandom exists. I am here with all of you fighting because this show is something worth fighting for, and I will keep fighting because fuck it we’re getting them back in THIS life!

Name/Twitter Handle: Bea/BEaWarrior

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement? 

Initially, I was very excited, thinking it was going to be a continuation of the series. I even tweeted about the possibility of movies and that it would have to be more than 1, because that would allow for the story to develop better and reach a much wider audience. Also, I felt that it would help provide better opportunities for the actors to be recognized, as far as awards shows are concerned. I always believed in the acting abilities of the cast which is 1 reason I loved the show. So when the announcement came, I was truly excited and happy! I quickly wrote and recorded the song, “We Did It”, when Simon tweeted about the sunrise and that the show was saved so when the trilogy announcement came, I was more excited, so relieved, and felt so thankful and proud of what we accomplished as a fandom.So I shared the song with all of you as a celebration. However, it’s important to note, now that I think about it, I do recall that somehow, in the back of my mind, I was doubting a little bit if the trilogy would actually be with our characters because I remember how consistent Dean was, tweeting about the film they intended, before the series came to fruition with Simon. 

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

That was a downer, an unpleasant surprise, a big disappointment. I figured something internal was going on and felt we wouldn’t be getting what we were expecting. I was feeling sad and annoyed by that and so I decided to lay low on Twitter for a few days or weeks. I can’t remember exactly anymore. I guess my “little” doubts were valid. 

OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

I was like, “whaattttt”?!  I couldn’t believe it! I did my best to stay patient and not react so much on my timeline but I did feel more disappointment. Because I did wait for that and was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, even tweeted that I would like to wait for the big announcement. Sadly, it was all unnecessary hype, and was something that made me feel so negative. An art contest doesn’t need a countdown, in my opinion. They could’ve announced it on their website without making the entire fandom so excited like that and just be left angry and very disappointed. I, however, also pondered on it, that maybe that wasn’t the original announcement intended but they had to say something. I don’t know lol. It was just strange to me how they could just make the entire fandom all over the world wait so eagerly for news about the movies like that, only it was about a contest.


OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

I fought for our series, the characters in the series. That’s the story I want to see continue. The same cast and crew. So I continue to use it. 

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

It made it harder to stay focused and found myself not as active as before, having to prioritize other things in life. I think the same happened to some members of the fandom. I no longer was able to participate with phrase time as much as I did in the past. Lack of news isn’t helping keep some of the people in the fandom hopeful.

OCS: Your thoughts on what they should do to get the fandom back on board?

It would be nice, smart, and respectful for them to talk to us and just tell us the truth so we can help. It’s obvious they know the power we have so keeping us in the dark this long isn’t helping anyone, unless they really don’t have anything good or promising to share. But still, I think they should communicate with us, tell us the truth, so we can maybe work with them to actually save the show. I understand there are certain details they cannot share but if they are depending on the fandom’s support, they can’t continue going in this direction. 

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

I just learned about this and have yet to process, fully. Now, I have mixed emotions about it. I did love the idea of the trilogy but wanted the series storyline, though that didn’t seem to be the case especially with the lack of news from Dean. I mean it’s been almost a year since his announcement. But I’d like to think there was at least a small chance the trilogy would possibly be what we wanted because of what I read about what Dean shared with some people at the most recent con. Though it wasn’t an official announcement from him, it was, at the very least, good to know the info he shared with them. Now? I feel we’re back to where we started so we gotta amp up our efforts again, if we can. I don’t know.. Having a confirmed prod company for a trilogy with the possibility of changes to our favor is better than not having one at all. But in the spirit of keeping the hope alive, we just need to keep going as much as we can. Easier said than done, but enjoying each other’s company with the friendships we formed in the fandom and the activities we do together will certainly make our efforts worthwhile. I’m still gonna continue to hope and fight even if it can be draining. .I feel hopelessness sometimes so I just do what I have to do, when I can, to stay afloat so I won’t totally give up.

OCS: Can you talk about this post from the other day? 

Ah, I decided to post a part of the lyrics of “Flow”, the 3rd song we released from “Impact of Being A Halo Bearer” spaces. Those are actually my lyrics, but there are 4 of us who wrote it. I wasn’t able to share the song on the anniversary of its release which was on Aug. 15th so when I thought about it that day, I just felt like sharing the song for those who haven’t heard it. My lyrics are what I feel some people of the fandom went through or even possibly still going through, personally, and about WN. It’s also something I’ve gone through and the last part is still something I am trying to do to help save our show:  “Keep the hope alive and win this fight.”

Can you talk a little about the “Impact of Being a HaloBearer” project?

My pleasure to do so, thank you. It’s something I never thought would be supported by a lot of people, all the guests who agreed to share their time and stories with us. I felt like trying an idea and so I’m just super grateful it worked because I really think the stories of the members of a remarkable fandom such as ours is just as important as the show itself. Like I said during our spaces, it’s not just about WN anymore, it’s about the Halo Bearer, too. The show changed our lives, so I was interested in talking to as many as I could with the little time I had/have, and bring their stories to light. There’s so much inspiration and lessons from their stories and that is what I really wanted to help spread. I am grateful to my co-host, Kass, for her passion and dedication to help make it successful. 

What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

I’ve never been in a fandom before so this is truly memorable for me. I learned a lot from it, had tons of fun with the activities, and was just blown away by the abilities and skills set we bring to the table. The passion and dedication of the WN fandom is remarkable and I am happy to be a part of it. It’s changed me in many ways but the most important thing is it made me understand and experience the power of a community of people who don’t know each other, from different backgrounds and countries, but are still able to work together for a common goal. Perseverance on a whole new level, truly fire! Lastly, just like the rest of you, it changed me because I made new friends through it, got to collaborate with people and create music/songs, and was impacted, positively, by the stories I heard through my project/space, The Impact of Being A Halo Bearer.

Oh another thing, winning that Beatrice sculpture from Gisela was just mind blowing for me! I was so surprised, happy and excited, because who would’ve thought I’d win with so many people using the hashtags! I’ll never forget that. 

Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

Firstly, a huge thanks and appreciation for Adrienne and the rest of the OCS Newsletter for all the hard work you’ve put in, for considering and inviting me to participate in this Anniversary edition. 

Thanks to my friends at the Nun Run and NunsRunTheWorld projects. I loved participating and logging in my workouts!

Thanks to everyone else for your contribution to help our fandom keep going! Thanks much to Gisela for that Bea sculpture I won! Thanks much to all of you who agreed to guest on my spaces! 

Thank you so much, for all your support for my initiatives, projects and contributions, for sharing your love and inspiration, for the acquaintances and friendships I gained, and for the 3 songs I was able to co-write, record, and produce with the help of the friends I made through the spaces. I will continue to do my best to keep fighting with you all to keep the hope alive. 

Name/Twitter Handle: Prince / princington

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

Initially, it was the best news ever. I thought all of our efforts had really gotten through and we managed to find a way to finish Warrior Nun's story.

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

I was shocked to hear he wasn't a part of it, and I suppose that started the uneasiness towards it. If Simon wasn't part of it, who else wasn't going to be? Was it still the same story he had shown us before?

OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

I thought it was a pretty lousy announcement. To get the fans’ hopes up for something like that was cruel, and to frame it as a ‘new design for the halo’ was even worse. Why does there need to be a new halo? Not to mention the artist rights to their art being murky if you made a submission.

OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

It means that the fight isn't over, that we still need to keep going and keep pushing for the show that means so much to us.


OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

Truthfully, it did take the wind out of the sails a little. After such a high with the initial announcement, and then fall after fall with each lackluster ‘announcement’, it's clear to say we've taken a bit of a beating.

OCS: Your thoughts on what they should do to get the fandom back on board?

Personally I would just like something a little more concrete. I know it's difficult for them to really give us much in that regard, but any confirmation that this isn't just being further shelved would be nice.

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

It's quite disheartening, really, and so frustrating. It's awful that the trilogy has been caught up in it, especially with all the work everyone has been putting in to save Warrior Nun. 

OCS: Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag?

Hmm, I think it's kind of like, we get another chance to save Warrior Nun - our Warrior Nun - but it also gives that thought of being back at square one. A cautious hopefulness, maybe.

OCS: What keeps you making/motivates you to keep producing your amazing Warrior Nun fan art?

Honestly it's the fandom. Even after everything, they're still bursting with creativity and amazing ideas. I know myself that I've taken a bit of a backseat recently, but truly it's everyone's kindness and support that pushes me along.


OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

Truly, they mean the world. I've made so many amazing friends and met such incredible people in the time I've spent in the fandom. The fandom has pushed me towards new challenges and new opportunities, and even attending my first convention! I've been truly changed by the wonderful people in the Warrior Nun fandom, and I can definitely say that no fandom has touched me like they have.

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

I love you guys so much. You're all so funny and creative and I'm always amazed by the projects you all have going on. Thank you for your support still, and I hope to keep fighting alongside you all for a long time.

Name/Twitter Handle: MG @Mawica78

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

I was excited, thrilled  and so happy. All our work has paid off, we were heard and seen.

Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

Disappointed, because I was sure, since he gave us the good news, that he will continue his work.


OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

I was so mad! I felt hurt, we didn't deserve to be played like that


OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

That hashtag is like a symbol of our fight , reminder that we still have work to do. 

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

I see some have moved on, which is fine, we all became more quiet, after that false announcement it's like someone killed a momentum. For me is the same, thank God on conventions, they lift us up a bit....

OCS: Your thoughts on what they should do to get the fandom back on board?

Give us any news, anything, what is going on? Where do we stand?


OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

In a way, I am happy about it. Because that trilogy was nothing we wanted and it sat us back in our fight for OUR show to be saved. Now, we have a good chance that someone else will want to pick up and finish it. If Netflix ever sells the rights.

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

Omg….it became my family this past 2 years. I met so many new people,I learned so many new things. It also gives me sense of belonging, I feel free and unburden. It changed the way I see stuff,pushed me to do things I would never do. In a way it's my safe space

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

Don't give up. We knew this was a marathon and I still belive OUR Warrior Nun will be saved. It's OK to take a break or be interested in other stuff,but keep believing in our show. We proved many times that Warrior Nun fandom is a force to be reckon!!II

Name/Handle: Christopher Penn @cspenn on Threads because X/Twitter is a hellhole

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

When Simon made the initial announcement, that seemed like it was pretty clear things would continue more or less where they left off. As showrunner, the Netflix incarnation of WN was his vision, taking some very outdated source material (anyone who’s read the comics knows just how far a departure the Netflix storyline and style is from the comics) and modernizing it into a very neat, compelling story.

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

Once Simon announced he wasn’t part of the new effort, that was a major red flag. If your showrunner departs, no matter who else you get to step in, you’re going to get something different. Sometimes, it can be better; witness the number of movies made where the initial concepts left something to be desired, but the final outputs were terrific. A lot of the time, it tends to turn out worse. Richard Donner’s vision for the Superman movies in the 1970s were fantastic; his successors, much less so.

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

As someone with a background in marketing, PR, and communications, two things are absolutely false:

Any press is good press.

No news is good news.

In today’s hyperconnected society, we very much want visibility into what’s going on. In today’s entertainment industry, with celebrities and talent sharing tons of BTS on Instagram and TikTok, we have an implicit expectation that we’re going to know what’s going on. And the entertainment news complex - TMZ, THR, Deadline, etc. - makes it clear that the audience LOVES information and news, even when it’s very thin material.

For good or ill, people get really invested in their entertainment franchises. It becomes part of our identities, part of how we identify ourselves and others we want to spend time with. When you have a story that isn’t complete, it leaves questions for yourself, about yourself. Anyone producing content in the modern era, especially scripted content, should know and understand that, and the expectations of the consumer about how to work with them.

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

Some of my closest friends come from the fandom. I’ve hired people from the fandom, gone on road trips with them, hosted them as guests in my home - it’s a marvelous group of people.

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

My work today is in the field of artificial intelligence, specifically generative AI. I work with systems, models, and tools that can create incredible outputs at vast scale. Folks probably know of tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and RunwayML; there are hundreds of thousands of additional models out there that have more specialized purposes.

Here’s what I find inspiring, in an era of radical change. In the short term, technologies like AI are going to have a dampening effect on the entertainment industry. They will, without question, cause some job loss, and other jobs to radically change. Movie studios and production houses will use it extensively. But that’s a very short term view.

The longer term is this: AI will enable the democratization of rich media - TV shows, movies, etc. In ways that the industry cannot predict (but the rest of us can). Today, it costs $100 million to produce even a modest movie and have it be a success. $50 million for production, and $50 million for marketing (P&A, in industry lingo). With streaming, secondary sales of movies has largely gone away; in decades past, a movie studio could be assured of solid sales from VHS and DVDs, enough to recoup costs if the movie didn’t do well at the box office.

Today, studios have to be incredibly risk averse. A movie has to be a blockbuster and clock $200 million at the box office or no one wants to make it, because the risk of losing all that money is so high. That’s why you have a box office filled with Avengers 23 and sequels of sequels of sequels. No one wants to make that investment.

Which means ideas and stories that deserve to be told but aren’t mass market fodder are never going to get the green light. You want a love story about two Black women? Not happening at the box office today.

And that’s where AI offers an intriguing possibility. An independent filmmaker armed with generative tools could produce an incredible film at a fraction of the cost that it used to require, which means more people can tell more stories - their stories, media that represents them and their lives better.

You only need to look at the fanfiction ecosystem to see how many excellent storytellers there are, creating incredible works that won’t be filmed, but are worth enjoying. Now imagine taking a fanfiction story, dropping it into a generative system, and having the system produce the film version of the story for the cost of a case of beer.

The story of Ava and Beatrice and the world that Simon brought to life may not be created by Netflix or others, but it’s a near inevitability that someone from the fandom will have the talent, tools, and time to create it nonetheless.

More important, I hope the entire experience of the fandom persuades our most creative folks to start thinking about telling the stories they want told, in original works that no studio can cancel, and in the very near future bringing those works to life on the big screen without needing the approval of a committee of people who don’t represent them, instead using the power of AI to inspire us even more.

Name/Twitter Handle: Jedlicka_m27 / @ilikewarriornun

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

I was leaving for a family holiday that day. Simon's post appeared on Twitter sometime in the morning (in my time zone). I was so excited and so happy (even to be there for a "here and now" WN news for once). I think I was smiling like a lunatic not only that day, but the whole vacation.

I was euphoric and couldn't believe it - we had actually done it! The impossible had been made possible. WN fandom was so loud that someone noticed and listened to us. It felt amazing

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

In fact, at the time I tried to rationalize it by saying that "the preparation of the films is at a very early stage" and that it might not mean anything yet. But as time went on, statements from other crew members came out and I wasn't so sure anymore. 

After all, why would Simon announce a movie Trilogy and not be involved in it? I tried to keep the disillusionment in my head as long as possible, but somewhere deep inside I knew that "something is rotten in the state of Denmark". 

I'm sorry that some have accused Simon of leading us on. But I think even he was kept in the dark. He's been used just as much as we have.

OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

The announcement of the new Halo Design Contest was over the top, and everyone was expecting something different. A failed promotion that resulted in fan frustration and radio silence. In the end it was "big" but not as intended. Unfortunately.

OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

Sorry for the lame analogy:

Imagine fighting to get the school cafeteria to make a vegetarian (like spinach) lasagna. And after a few months you get the answer - Yes, we'll make you lasagna. You're excited and can't wait. 

But then you see on the menu that it's going to be meat lasagna. You weren't interested in meat. "So we made you lasagna!!! Yes, we know you probably wanted the vegetarian ones, but meat lasagna is better. That's why we made it. Why have spinach lasagna when you can have meat lasagna!" 

So what are you going to do? Are you going to settle for something you didn't want / don't like, or are you going to keep fighting for what you want? Exactly - keep fighting and #SaveOurWarriorNun. 

The idea of making movies from the Warrior Nun universe isn't a bad one. But the whole fandom fight was/ IS about continuing the story of Ava, Beatrice and the others. To continue the story we love. We're trying to save OUR Warrior Nun. 

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

An absolute disaster! Unfortunately, this is the reason a lot of people have left the fandom. The Trilogy announcement and then the radio silence became a Trojan Horse that weakened our movement. It won't be easy for us to come back in full force.

I don't understand Dean's behavior. He saw his chance and tried to take it. BUT he must have known we were fighting to save a Netflix story. He probably thought we'd settle for anything from the Warrior Nun universe. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes in the film industry. But I do know that this is definitely not how you do promotion…

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

 It doesn't have to mean anything. A production company can survive (?). But I'd say this news has caused the last of the Trilogy “believers” to give up hope.

It just doesn't look right. Plus the fact that Dean tried to make a Warrior Nun movie years ago and the project didn't happen…

OCS: Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag?

I like how we all kind of agreed after that article that the Trilogy IS dead. And that it would be better to go back to the original hashtag:  #SaveWarriorNun.

 #SaveWarriorNun was breaking records. Let's raise the bar even higher. Let's show everyone that we're still here. Maybe people who have left the fandom will come back. Or new fans will find their way to us when they hear about this hashtag. About its history. Let's go back to making waves in this little pond called the film industry!!! We have the power.

[in your mind, insert a gif of Ava saying “Looks like we're gonna have to make history”]

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

Family. Found family. Con is no longer just about meeting the cast/crew, it's about meeting friends.

I've never spent any time on social media. That all but changed Warrior Nun. Warrior Nun is my first - and probably last - fandom. I was incredibly pleasantly surprised at how amazingly nice (almost) all the people in the fandom are. I would never have believed it was possible to "meet" so many awesome people in one place. Online! WOW.

The talent of the people in the fandom? Well, that's something incredible!!! I tip my hat and bow my head to the ground. 

It's amazing how so many different people come together to create such an amazing community.The person has no artistic talent? Never mind. They just wish you a good morning every day, or encourage you to exercise, hug you, sing odes to our artists, writers...

I learn and discover new things every day and everyone is kind and patient with each other. Everyone is so understanding and supportive. A lot of times you don't even get that in real life. Which is sad.

The discovery of AO3 has literally knocked me out (or should I say: aikido-ed me into submission?). 😅😂I feel like our stories on AO3 are my best friends (sorry, real life). And I started writing my own fics in my old age. Even though I'm no big writer, I like it when my silly story makes even just one person happy. 

Last but not least, it made me think more about my sexuality. And hey, I guess it's time to admit to myself that I'm bi.

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

I don't know what the chances of our show continuing are…But let's be optimistic. Let's be gay. Let's love life. Let's just - love. Ava would like us to live our lives. And I wish we could share some of that life in our community, even if it's mostly just online, virtually.

I hope you'll keep writing Warrior Nun fics, drawing amazing fan arts, creating edits, making memes/gifs, sharing cameos, drooling over new pics of our faves, making new long/short distance couples, tweeting about little things, logging exercises...just keeping our community going. Because that's how Warrior Nun will live on in our hearts.

OH, and the SMAU authors? You guys are totally awesome!!! ❤️

You are all wonderful, loved and what you are is beautiful!!!

Thank you. 

Love you.


P.S.: If some of my statements don't make sense, that's my fault. It's really hard to get my thoughts down on “paper” in a way that makes sense. I'm sorry for that. And also - English is not my first language.

P.S.02: *whispering* Thank you so much for reading my ramblings all the way over here. I'm sure I've forgotten a lot of things I'd like to say, and they'll come to mind over time… It's nice to have a deadline for once.

P.S.03: Hope is the last thing that dies in HaloBearers 🩵 

They can't beat us. Not together!

In this life and the next! 

Name/Twitter Handle: wyper/willowhepatica 

OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

Community and empowerment.  

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

I'll be honest, I'm not here because of the potential of a new season or any other way for Warrior Nun to be expanded (even if that would be fantastic). I'm here for what we already have, and what we have built together. That will never go away and most importantly never cease to be special. These news, or any other news, won't change that for me. 

OCS: What keeps you motivated to continue writing Warrior Nun fan fiction?

There's a warmth here that I haven't really found anywhere else. Both in the fandom, the characters and in Avatrice. As if we're all sitting around a campfire and every now and again there's sparks. We've gathered because of our shared love for the franchise but stayed for the bonds, the shared stories, art and  laughter. I love writing, and this fandom makes me love it even more. 


OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

The Warrior Nun fandom for me means love. Our fight stems from love. Our community stems from love. Our creations stems from love. And we are loud about it! We are fantastically loud about it.

That loudness and that love has given me confidence. It has given me the space to explore and put things out there that I would never have put out otherwise. It has given me friends and connections I have no idea who I'd be without… 

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

Thank you for being here.

Name/Twitter Handle: Note/ @noooooo_te

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

SUPER EXCITED of course!! We're gonna have a whole 3 movies??!!

I can't wait to see the story continue and get some closure finally.

Also I'm really happy for everyone who tried so hard to get the show revived!!

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

Big sus, to be fair I'm naturally skeptical, but I will give them the benefit of the doubt because I don't have much information about how these things work. But yes overall, it's getting shady.

OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

I'm disappointed, and I think almost everyone was. The best part of our fandom is that it's international and inclusive, so to allow only US submission is, not ideal I would say. And to use the countdown for that is unnecessary too. At this point I think the whole ordeal smells fishy.

OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

It means hope, I'm not really in the hashtag “battle field”, but whenever i see one on my feed, i think “Hey someone still cares” and it motivates me :)

Also the “our” means we won't settle for bullshit, and i love that, chaotic and funny

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

Continued disappointment from me of course, but I didn't have any big emotion I think, because they gave me nothing to hold onto except a vague promise of vague movies. At this point I think I just want some closure about what is even happening.

For the fandom, I still see activities but it's significantly lesser than before, which is understandable. But more fun activities, smaus and fics still being made despite the situation, so i think we are still going strong (in comparison as a canceled show fandom) 

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

Disappointed but not surprised. I'm just amazed at their audacity and the shadiness of this whole mess, anything can happen in life I guess, including getting your favorite show canceled TWICE. But I'm glad the show's legacy won't get ruined by (rumored) unsavory individuals.

OCS: Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag?

For me personally, going back to it is a great idea, cuz the trilogy is pretty much done (as of current situation) and the old tag would have a more significant number :) and it's shorter and more familiar too! Also this is a way to announce that we continue to fight!!

OCS: What keeps you motivated to keep producing #WarriorNun fanart?

Two main things, the fandom love and my love for the characters. I can't seem to let the chaotic nuns go, and the love I received for my arts always keeps me going. Making arts makes me happy and my arts make people happy, it's a wholesome circle that I want to keep going for as long as possible :)

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

Our fandom is for sure passionate and full of love. The support I see for me as well as other artists and authors, are so so wholesome. 

I'm definitely getting more confident in my arts and myself since I started drawing wn fanarts, and I can even open commissions and do arts for a living, which is insane and unreal to younger me. So my biggest thanks to the fandom, I appreciate you guys so much!!

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

My mojo is always “as long as you are happy” (and not harmful to the others of course) then just do whatever bring you the most joy :) fight when you can, rest when you need to, or even just enjoying the fanworks, then you are a fan all along, no differences!! And always remember, what you are, is beautiful <3

For the show’s future, the recent wynonna earp movie gives me, personally, some hope, and anyone can see that wn has so much potential and so many stories to tell, therefore i hope someone will give our show a another chance, but for the time being, i think supporting fanworks creators is the best way to keep the fandom going!! That’s it for me, stay sane my darling dudes!!

Name/Twitter Handle: Synner @_Synner

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

The announcement happened on my birthday so I waited all day. The moment it was finally announced I thought it was completely worth the wait. I was ecstatic. I know some ppl wanted a season 3 but I was just glad we were getting a chance to continue the story.

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

Initial response was confused. It didn't seem like anyone knew what was going on or why he wouldn't be involved. But it's devastating to know that Simon is not part of it because I feel like he's earned our trust.

OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

I was disappointed. Especially because that's not something we ever even discussed. I don't remember anyone having a problem with the halo’s design. 🤷🏽‍♀️

OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

It’s an extension of the original. A declaration that says we know what we want, regardless of what you [are] trying to sell us.

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

I think the lack of news has definitely demotivated a lot of people. It's difficult to maintain the same drive when we don't even know what we're fighting for because we don't know what we have. It put us in a state of limbo.

OCS: Your impression/interaction with Dean at the HaloBearerUK convention in Feb 2024?

I try to be as open minded as possible with any initial impression I'm given. He seemed extremely happy and proud to be there. I was surprised that he was willing to talk to anyone who approached him. I was somewhat comforted by the talk we had because it seemed clear that he understood what we wanted. At one point he said this when talking abt the company he was working with..

"I made all of them watch the video that the director from Ireland did about the gathering in London. Because unless you watch this, twice and listen carefully you're gonna have no idea of what the fandom Is and what it represents.”

I felt reassured at that moment 

OCS: Has your thoughts/impressions changed since your talk 7 months ago?

I say they have yes. The lack of information/interaction is surprising to me because he was so open and willing to talk in person and yet, he has been completely absent since. It doesn't make sense but then again it rarely (if ever) does.

OCS: What were some of the points Dean made about not releasing news and what was happening with the Trilogy? 

I think the fact that everything was still in the process of being created. They were drawing out storylines so he didn't have the details we all wanted. He acknowledged the difficulty that comes with not owning all of the rights. He has the rights to some of the characters (Ava, Shotgun Mary, Mother Superion, the OCS and Cats Cradle) But he doesn't own rights to season two storylines. Which I gathered was the reason for going back to lay the groundwork for the mythology behind Warrior Nun. Again, this is speculation on my part.

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

For me, personally, I see it as the possibility of something good happening. If they no longer have anything to do with the trilogy, hopefully that means Dean (or whoever is involved) will start working to get someone else interested, and we might actually get something done.

OCS: Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag?

I think going back to the original hashtag is a good idea. The hashtags aren't mutually exclusive but I think #SaveWarriorNun has a more meaningful history with us.

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

Family. When I see Warrior Nun I think of family. I can't say for sure how it's changed me. I only know I wouldn't be the same person had I not found it. It's given (and continues to give) me a sense of belonging that's hard to find these days. Plus I met my gf thru this fandom so I'll forever be grateful for that.

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

I can sense the restlessness starting to increase within the fandom. I just want ppl to know that I feel it as well. There are still hundreds of us here, not as active but watching and waiting. I think we should seriously think about restarting our campaign. It's more evident than ever that we didn't save Warrior Nun. The show still needs us. I think we still need it as well. #SaveWarriorNun #WarriorNun

Name/Twitter Handle: Lisa / @LisaIsOnTwitta

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

An incredible amount of excitement and joy ! Simon had said Warrior Nun would return and it would be “epic”. A trilogy of film was indeed a promise of EPIC. 

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

Oh… that was like an ice cold bucket of water on the head. It stopped the delulu train right there! 🙃

What do you mean Simon doesn't know anything and is not involved in this project?! I realized this was in fact very bad news. If I recall correctly, that was the point of origin of the new hashtag #SaveOURWarriorNun because it was clear that it was not the show we loved with the same cast and crew that had been saved. 

OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

Disappointment. Anger. Much anger. Sadness. Did I mention anger?? 

OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

It means the renewal of the fight. We had stopped because of the announcement of the show being saved. It also represents the unity of our fandom. All of us stood behind that new hashtag and it definitely helped me find a new motivation to keep fighting for OUR Warrior Nun. 

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

Oh it was bad. I think it pissed me off even more towards the people who had fooled us. It was bad, but at the same time, we managed somehow, to find something positive about it! I'm thinking about Mr Krabs with his bell and Ham's daily counting since last news we had. It's our mascot now!! 

OCS: Your thoughts on what they should do to get the fandom back on board?

Honestly? I don't know. 

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?


Sorry, sorry, yeah, thoughts you asked? Okay. Hm… Well first this is hilarious because of the irony of it all! Then, there's bitterness because WDYM we got canceled twice?!! 🙃 And finally, I feel hope because that means no side project will interfere in a potential renewal or rights selling to another amazing platform 😁

Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag? 

Well... This hashtag is so special ! We've tweeted it over 15 million times in only a few months !! So I'm kinda happy to use it again, but I'd much rather never use it again, meaning the show is saved

I think we've made it clear as a fandom that we want to save OUR Warrior Nun and now that it seems like the movie trilogy will probably not happen, we can go back to the original hashtag to keep fighting 💪⚔️ In This Life

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

The WN fandom is my very first fandom. I discovered amazing people that I can call my friends. I've been beside them for a year and a half almost on a daily basis. Meeting them irl on several occasions... Sharing that same passion for the main characters,for the story of a show that represents us… there's nothing like it! 

Also, I've discovered fanfics! I had heard of them but I had never read one before being in the fandom. It enables the characters that we love so much, to live on beyond the show. It's a big part of what helped me stay motivated for so long. 

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

You guys are absolutely amazing 💖

If you can and are willing to, keep fighting and never give up 💪⚔️

Name/Twitter Handle: Wolfie/@BabyHaloWolf

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

At first, ecstatic, especially after seeing it was Simon who posted it. I thought at that very moment: “Wow! Look at what this fandom achieved! Badgering people pays off (jk)”. It was a great feeling to see that the fandom’s combined work, be it setting up a billboard, sending postcards or 18+ waffles to Netflix, was able to do what nobody else has done before: saving a canceled Netflix show. 

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

Do you know the sinking feeling that something is about to go horribly, horribly wrong? Yeah that one. It was rather grating to first hear from Simon that Warrior Nun was saved and then learn he was not involved. I hoped for a continuation of the story that we all wanted to see a conclusion to, but to then feel it was (probably) something else entirely did not sit right with me. But I always held on to hope.

OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

Like all important events in my life the first thing I did was to call my brother to report to him what was happening, likely waking him up at 2 am. And we had a heated debate about why Quebec was excluded. (Poor Quebec)
But in earnest, I was utterly disappointed. The art contest was kinda not worth the hype we all had. It was also a bad indicator about the rights of the production company not fully acquiring all the necessary rights.

OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

Given that Warrior Nun had a fairly good Pro-LGBT narrative and message, something that most media would rather only imply in a manner giving them plausible deniability, the # with “our” is part of our message that we want that story and not another one that resembles it in name only. People felt represented for the first time by Warrior Nun and we fight so that they do not have to return to the closet. That is why #SaveOurWarriorNun is so important to me.

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

Communication is a fairly important part between creators and their community, especially if you wish to build up some buzz about something. One can understand that it is a lengthy process and that detailed information cannot be provided, but even a little goes a long way. For me, well, remember the sinking feeling I talked about? This is contributing to said feeling. 

OCS: Your thoughts on what they should do to get the fandom back on board?

An honest conversation about the state of things would help, particularly to inform the fandom about the state of things and counteract the discontent some people feel about it. 

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

It definitely wasn't on my bingo card. If it is true, and right now we don't know what the state of things are, it pushes the campaign back. It shook the fandom. (Again).  But the optimist in me says; when one door closes another one opens up. If we keep being loud and keep fighting other production firms will see us and maybe we can use that. 

OCS: Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag?

Would it be shorter and easier? Yes. Will there be many funny misspellings again? Yes. Do I want the Wario misspelling to come back? Oh yes! So bad!

OCS: What keeps you motivated to keep developing #WarriorNun projects?

Spite and Sprite. Seriously though, on one hand these projects helped me to connect to other folks in the fandom and it makes me happy to see them happy as well. For example when we created the NUNO-cards that @sandrine_lange printed out and made a physical version from, that was amazing. Especially at the convention where a lot of people seemed to enjoy the game. On the other hand it also helps myself as my personal life is rather serious and having a creative outlet really helps to balance that out. Also it is a great motivator to annoy Netflix with projects (there is still quite a few projects in the making ;D)

OCS: What has Mr. Krab meant to you?

Money (jk). Without going into too much details, I have been out of commission for two years and while it might sound bizarre having the constant of Mr. Krabs being posted every day did help me during the last year of that time. I even got some pins of Mr. Krabs counting days and it makes me so darn happy every time I see them. I want to give a really, really big thanks to Ham for doing this daily. You have no idea how much that meant to me.

OCS: Mr. Krab at Witchbomb2 story?

There is a lot of stories, which one would you like to hear? One time we decided to head to a Pub and more and more people joined our group and to lead all the people to the Pub Mr. Krabs was held up like Simba during the opening of The Lion King (preferably the 90s versions). Were we nearly hit by a bus and got honked at by car drivers? Yes, yes we were. But Mr. Krabs led us all to the Pub, well and sound. And then Mr. Krabs could enjoy his well-earned after-work pint as KTY told him that he ain’t gonna retire. Besides that, there is also a story from the party where he was worshiped, but what happens at Witchbomb stays at Witchbomb. And big thanks to @SavinWarriorNun who unlike myself was a responsible parent.

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

It was the first larger community I was a part of. Beyond the fight for the show the fandom is very active in supporting people and the change for a better world. It is something I do miss with a lot of other people these days and it changed me positively as I see how much we can do together.

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

I want to cite my last French teacher: “A small baby bird lands on its beak at first but will eventually soar through the sky.” Even with one or the other setback, as long as we push forward we will succeed.

Name/Twitter Handle: Giu/ giulswannacry

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

I was over the moon. I remember it being the middle of the night, I had stayed awake the entire night talking with my friends about getting the news. I was shaking with excitement, and kept thinking about how we had done it, how we had managed to get our win, for once, against all those who always worry about their own personal interests, no matter who gets in the way. I could see it all: red carpets, going to the cinema with my friends, seeing proper healthy queer representation on the big screen. I had no doubt in my mind that everything would’ve been a success. I was so, so excited.

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

At first I really didn’t want to think much of it. I thought it made sense, because usually tv shows and films have different directors and we’ve seen before movie series getting different directors. I was sad, but I still tried to be positive. I really didn’t want to connect the dots, I guess.


OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

The “big announcement” together with Simon saying he had nothing to do with it was the last straw for me. I’ve never really liked to get my hopes up too much, I always prefer being negative so I cannot get disappointed as hard if I do end up getting bad news, but for this one I got so excited. That was when I finally accepted I had to connect the dots. It’s been a year, and I still haven’t swallowed the pill. It makes me angry and nauseous just the same. I remember reading the announcement over and over again, and that the more things came out every minute about the contract related to the art contest, the more dots were being connected across the fandom. Realizing that we had been played with was absolutely awful, but the thing that hurt the most was that I knew the fandom would’ve had a hard time recovering from that. 

 OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

The Warrior Nun I fell in love with is the one I want to be saved. Our Warrior Nun is lots of things: it is scary, at times, but it is also comforting. Yes, it shows that evil is surrounding us constantly, and that there’s a very thin line between good and bad. But, most importantly, it tells about many kinds of love, that of mothers, sisters, lovers. It teaches about being brave, about keeping the fight up when there’s no reason left to fight. It’s the first time someone, on the screen, told us that what we are is beautiful. This is our Warrior Nun. If the trilogy doesn’t have this, it’s not our Warrior Nun, and we don’t want it.

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

Every day I think about what it could’ve been, if we hadn’t gotten news at all. It will always be one of the greatest “what ifs” of my life. It would’ve been better, for sure. The fight would’ve kept going and, maybe, by now, a streaming service would’ve picked us up for real. We still had our quiet moments in the fandom, but never like after we realized that the trilogy was not about our Warrior Nun. Our fandom will never die, but it’s not the same and it will never be again. I miss the before a lot.

OCS: Your thoughts on what they should do to get the fandom back on board?

Be direct on what they have, and tell us for real. Tell us what the project is, what the plan is, show us how they want to proceed. If they can’t prove to us that the Warrior Nun, as we know it, is coming back, they’re never getting us back. If they were to tell us, we would know how to continue our fight, because if for some reason the trilogy would be about our nuns we would immediately get SO loud nobody would hear about anything else but this. Not knowing is stopping us from properly fighting for our show, because some say it’s renewed, most say it’s not. We cannot move on from this unless we get a proper understanding of what’s going on behind the scenes, and no other streaming service will welcome our requests if they still believe we have a trilogy waiting for us. This trilogy, with no news at all surrounding it, has become our greatest curse. 

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

You know the reaction video of Pedro Pascal laughing then crying?
I guess this is better than never finding out any news at all. It is still a slap in the face, because this feels like the confirmation that we’ve been played. But it’s now or never. This is our chance to try this again and actually get our Warrior Nun saved, not just the shell of it.

OCS: Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag?

I know it can feel as a complete failure, because it can be interpreted as "we're back to square one," but that's not really true. We still have our numbers, all the articles that mentioned the # and everything that we have done as a fandom. It's more like a step back, but a tiny one cause it's not like that trilogy would've been in our favour anyway. so let's just get back from were we left this all last year, and fuck Netflix up, (not) with love.

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

I’ve been in many fandoms, but no fandom will ever be like the Warrior Nun one. I met people from across the entire world, I have traveled day and night to meet some of them, and I have created friendships I know will last a lifetime. But, most importantly, it gave me my dad. My dad was often away for work while I was growing up, making our relationship hard to build. But thanks to Warrior Nun and its fandom, its fanarts, edits, stories and theories, I found a common ground to start from. Warrior Nun gave me a new family, and gave me my old family back. I will never be able to properly express all my gratitude for this fandom. 

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

You’re the most beautiful chosen family I could’ve ever hoped for. Family is never perfect, and we aren’t either, but we try, every day. Thank you for all the words of comfort, for the memes, for the raccoon and cat pictures, for the late nights and early mornings. And thank you for the years we spent fighting, and for never having given up. If it doesn’t happen in our universe, I know we won in another. Thank you, in this life and the next.

OCS: Name/Twitter Handle: sdl @sandrine_lange

 OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

At first, I thought it was really good news. It would allow other people who didn't have Netflix to discover the series. And it was a bit rewarding: we're going to the big screen and for a trilogy. So it was pretty exciting, especially after all those months of struggle. 


OCS:  Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

I have to admit that I was disappointed when this was announced, because he seemed a bit like the soul of the series. He'd told us that he'd planned several seasons with quite specific ideas for character development. He seemed to know where to go. What's more, he supported us and was always close to us during our campaign to save WN. But I'm an optimist by nature and even though I was disappointed, I said to myself that's something: we've got something and who knows, it could be good too. Many films have had different directors with good films: Harry Potter, Superman... So why not... I didn't want to judge before seeing.


OCS:  Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

 That's when I really started to have doubts. Despite all my good will, setting up a countdown with so much tension to end up with a drawing competition! What a fall! We had got together via discord to be together for the announcement and we were all disappointed. So much for that! 


OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

For me, #SaveOurWarriorNun is a more intimate hashtag: it makes our wishes clear, but it can also come across as more uncompromising and give a ‘harsher’ image of the fandom than the reality. It's still important to make our voices heard without alienating those who might be able to help us.  But whatever hashtag is used, what matters to me is that it allows us to have one or more new seasons and continues to show a united fandom.


OCS:  Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

The lack of news is making people move on. We feel increasingly tired of what is normal after so much time. For my part, WN allowed me to discover what a fandom was, the conventions; the fanart and the fanfics but also to know new people. Therefore, I try to stay engaged and we continue to maintain the link between french halobearers. But it is true that it is more difficult now than a few months ago.

 OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

I have to admit I don't know what to make of it! These cases appear to be old. I don't know and it's not for me to judge. The courts will do that. On the other hand, even if the hope was more than infinitesimal, here it's practically non-existent!


OCS: Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag? 

For me, it doesn't matter what hashtag is used, as long as it's a consensus and doesn't divide people over trivialities. I'll use whichever one is chosen.


OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

As I said above, fandom opened the doors to a world I didn't know. I discovered talented artists (writers, illustrators...) and very different but generally benevolent people. I really like the idea of a community of people who look after each other.


OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

Just a small message of hope: stay strong! Don't give in to resentment or anger, it's by staying united and showing our support that we'll be able to move things forward. Let's continue to support our actresses in their projects (who remain accessible to fans).  It took 20 years for Star Wars to get a sequel! So why shouldn't we? Let's hope it doesn't take as long as it did.

Name/Twitter Handle:  Alms @AlmsForOblivion

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?  

I was very excited, both for the chance to see a proper conclusion to the story and for the excitement that so many people in the fandom felt at the time.


OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?  

That was the big moment of “Oh, this isn't what we thought it was” for me.  I haven't viewed the movies as part of the effort to save the show since then.


OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?  

A complete joke at best, a con to extract free labor from fandom artists at worst.


OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?  

It's a recognition that we persist in our love for the show, and a desire to see it continued, and that those interests have nothing to do with whatever Dean English is doing.


OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?  

To me, nothing directly.  I started following the fandom as deeply as I have because the show was canceled, and these characters meant too much to me to let them go.  I write so that we can still find new ways to love them regardless of what happens with the show.  To the fandom, I think it was very harmful.  The way this was handled undermined a lot of enthusiasm.


OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?  

I think the whole streaming business is a fraudulent shell game these days, so that part doesn't surprise me.  I'm hopeful that it closes the door on the movies in a way that reopens the possibility for the show to be continued in a genuine way that includes the original cast.

OCS: Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag?

I like going back.  I think changing was appropriate due to the way Dean handled everything, but this feels like going back to our roots in a way.  Netflix is, and ultimately always has been, the target to whom pressure needed to be applied and to whom the value and popularity of this show needed to be demonstrated.  The movie announcement muddied those waters.  Now we're back to basics, and can continue to build on the momentum and numbers the fandom generated before the announcement.

OCS: What keeps you motivated to keep writing Warrior Nun fan fiction?  

The fandom.  Sharing these stories that mean so much to me with other people who care about them is one of the best thing in the world.  And I want to help create a space that gives other people the feelings of joy and growth that I've gotten to experience from being here.

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?  

Being in this fandom has been transformative for me.  I've learned things about myself I would never have imagined from being a part of this fandom.  Getting to know myself in new ways, making incredible friendships, getting the chance to share these stories in my head with so many people…it's hard for me to out it into words how much this fandom means to me.

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?  

That I'm so happy to be here with all of you, and to echo a sentiment simplykorra expressed recently: that I hope that this community lasts, that some people never go anywhere, some people leave and come back, and that when new people discover Warrior Nun, there is a wonderful community here waiting for them.

Name/Twitter Handle: Ghostie aka GhostWriter

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

- Torn. Yeah, if you look at it, three movies! Yay! But that was dangerous for a fandom already betrayed and hurt by Netflix. If the first movie flops, we will not get the rest of the trilogy, and we will be back to fighting to get it back up again and to start all over again. It's a vicious cycle. But we’ll probably lose more people from the fandom by that point. The powerful force we had in solidarity after Netflix announced the cancellation after Season 2 will never, sadly, we might not get that back again.

- And how will they pick up the story from the end of season 2? Hmm, that will be tricky for sure. For those people who have not seen the TV series, they will be lost. Did that mean they must re-do what we already had for S1 and S2? Only for us to discover that Dean has different ideas and plans.

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

 - My jaw dropped! 

- Something didn’t feel right from then on. Then there was the comment from David Hayter, and was it Amy Berg? Also, saying that no one ever approached them about the supposed Trilogy.

OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

- Nope! Not me! I won’t join that contest, even if I have some artistic ability. Getting my work stuck with the production company and Dean English felt like a trap. Those bastards are being cheap and trying to scam to get free art from a loyal fandom that is so generous with their time and efforts.

OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

 - Honestly, I’m not sure anymore. I remember that scene with Mother Sup, Ava, Sister Dora and Beatrice around the table. When Beatrice said, “Who are we even praying to?” I’d like to rephrase that to, “Who are we even trying to send our message to!?”

- Dean English is just clueless as to what we want to continue

- Simon Barry sounds like he has moved on

- The casts are all doing different things now. At WB, even Kristina said it’d be hard to get us all together to do anything again. She said it has to do with all the contract clauses. And for sure, they will all cost so much more now, and it might not be something that Netflix would want to deal with, if ever.

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

 - Disrespected and abandoned. Everyone was on board with the fandom when we made progress, made history, and broke the internet with polls and whatnot. But now, hardly anyone even interacts with us. As I’ve said, most people who would have a say in moving on with our show have moved on with other projects or are just blind and mute to hear what we’re trying to save. To them, this is just another business. It’s just another Monday for them. Shows get signed and cancelled, and you just keep moving forward.

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

- Eye roll! It’s news for sure, but I wasn’t surprised. After all the things that happened, it felt like this was inevitable that another thing will crap will hit the fan. We’re always put on a cliffhanger for nothing, so it did not make a difference to me. The people that Dean works with don’t even know who we are. It is perhaps best that it’s not moving forward, as these are probably not the right people to work on our show. They only also got their pieces of information from Dean. It is a watered-down version of what we’re fighting for, but we were used as a marketing tool for Dean to get his friend Ben’s comic to be made into a movie.

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

- Writing fics and making fan art became a bigger part of my life after the cancellation. It was where most of my free time went. 

- Regardless of the drama(s), I’ve also made friends and lost some. For the first time in my life, I went to another country to celebrate a show and meet with people I’ve met because of it.

- Because of the fandom and wanting to be an active participant and share some of myself with the rest, I have picked up doing art again after not doing it for so long! I wanted to add some value that came from my heart and me.

- Because of Warrior Nun, I developed a new talent and skill. Never have I ever thought I would be writing stories. But because I wanted the AvaTrice Universe to continue, I wrote my fiction. And I’ve since been happy to share them all with the fandom.

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

We all did well. We fought hard. If you feel like it’s time to move on, you have every right to do so. Think and always put yourselves first. Because, at this point, I’m only here now for the love of Warrior Nun, I have no hopes, nor am I disillusioned to think we’re getting anything. Not from Netflix. Not from Dean. Not from Simon. Probably not even from the cast, although I will fully support all their projects. I would probably still try to finish my WIP fics and would occasionally post some fanarts and my random posting of photo edits.

Name/Twitter Handle: @dchn_elise

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

Coincidentally only a few hours before Simon posted the sunrise GIF, I'd tweeted that if there should be an announcement they should do it with a picture of a sunrise. So when Simon eventually posted the GIF, I wanted to stay up until we knew more about what it meant. I was awake until about 6am, then fell asleep during an ongoing call, and at 8am I was yelled awake by my friends telling me I should check Twitter. Of course I didn't expect at all what I was about to read, and I immediately just started sobbing while my friends were all yelling that we made it and we did it. It was truly an indescribable feeling, I then called another friend awake, and she started crying as well. And I of course went to my grandma who watched Warrior Nun as well, and she was so happy to hear it was saved. The whole day and the days after I felt pure happiness and was so emotional. 

The news of it being films made me a little disappointed though, I expected at least for it to still be in a show format. I was scared it wouldn’t really be our story that would be made, but I tried to keep my hopes up. I remember dreaming about getting to watch them on the big screen, and have red carpets etc. That was what kinda kept my hopes up during that time. And that with enough luck we’d get more than the three films, and we wouldn’t have to lose our favorite characters at all, but instead watch them grow. I do remember having an annoying feeling of “what if Dean only did this to get his version of Warrior Nun back?”, since he’d released that concept version of what his Warrior Nun looked like.

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy?

I was shocked, but also not? I tried to believe at first that everything would be okay, that we won for once. When Simon said that he wasn't involved, and afterwards Sarah, and after them, also Amy and David, and many more, I knew something was really wrong. I felt like we were played, but there was maybe still hope for them to be called up. I decided to wait and see until we had more news, which aside from that contest, never came.

OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

I remember staying up very late for it, even though I had school early the next day. It was not worth it, and to be honest I was furious. We're with such a worldwide fandom, many factors have proven that. But that didn't matter to Dean English and Ben Dunn, since it was only for the US and Canada (aside from Quebec). Besides that, the fact that the Halo had to be redesigned, by us, for free? Especially right after the strike had ended. It felt horrible to see. Like everything we did was for nothing. Like nothing the past months had mattered. Which of course it still did, this community is something incredibly special. But the campaign felt like it had just been for Dean English to make more money, and that it hadn't been for our story all along. Aside from that, I’d also found the comics of Ben Dunn’s Warrior Nun Areala. And I saw how sexualised the nuns all were, it made me sick to my stomach knowing he was involved, and the fear that our cast would maybe have to choose between being perceived like that or just quitting.

OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

A message that our voices still need to be heard. That we won't settle for a different story or a different crew and/or cast. That those months of sleeplessness, bonding, and hard work wasn't for nothing. And to also acknowledge the sad fact that, as sapphic people, no matter what we do - even if we achieve so much, and make what we want clear - we often aren't listened to. And to emphasize that change is needed. I do know Warrior Nun isn’t only about the wlw aspect of it, but I think you all get what I mean.

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

It makes me feel so neglected and just forgotten, I'd been hopeful that something could still change until a few months ago. It just feels so unfair to all of us, especially when thinking back to what we achieved, and just in general how much better we deserve. I think most people in the fandom would feel the same way, and some may have started to become less active because of that. It's completely understandable that Warrior Nun's absence makes just as much of an impact as its presence. The bitter feeling of knowing we could've had more.

The shame I also felt often when looking back on that happiness in June 2023, is something that did take a toll on me, especially knowing that many in the world still wish for queer people to stay hidden and silent and would cheer at the news of us yet again losing.

I still have a tiny bit of hope that if we keep talking and fighting, we might get our beloved characters and story back. But the more the months pass by, the more I think they just decided not to try anymore. Maybe in a few years when the rights are released from Netflix’ claws, we can get them back. I'd gladly wait until then, instead of seeing whatever version was being developed.

OCS: Your thoughts on what they should do to get the fandom back on board?

A lot of communication in what we should expect, and how our expectations may change, for example like what was being said: that the rights to Beatrice are not available yet. In my opinion, we should know that. And we shouldn't have to beg to know anything. I understand the concept of NDA's, but this is definitely not about an NDA. It's about the fact that Dean told Simon that he should tell us the good news - that it was “saved”, thinking for himself he had fixed everything, while he only got the rights to the title back, not the story. But let’s be fair, the only real thing that can get the fandom back on board, is our story. I think we’d rather have nothing, than for them to ruin the whole thing.

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company?

I don’t even know if I’m surprised or not at this point, this fandom has been through insane plot twists with the campaign already. I’m not sure how to feel either. I guess it’s partly really good if in the time they try to clean up their mess, we can convince a streaming service - maybe Tubi - to get back OUR story. And not in the format of movies, but in another few seasons. Like Simon intended it. 

OCS: Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag?

Using the tag #SaveWarriorNun  automatically gave me a sense of nostalgia. It catapulted me back into a time where everything was so different, and the campaign was at its peak. To admit it - even though most days I went through it sleep deprived and a little lost - I sometimes miss it. The memes being created, the articles being written about us, the hype for the billboards and reaching another million tags, the new projects, etc. I'm so grateful I stumbled on Warrior Nun before it was cancelled, #RenewWarriorNun and #SaveWarriorNun were such different times. 

I'm not saying the cancellation was a good thing, it'll never be a good thing, but I am however grateful for the memories made, the people I met, and the empowerment of our fandom during November 2022 and June/August 2023.

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

I can’t even begin to explain how much this fandom has changed me in general, but specifically my career path, the people in my life, my mental health, my love life, my ambitions, my accomplishments, my definition of friendship and family, my travels, etc. Everything in my life has improved since being a part of this beautiful community. This fandom is home to me, being around my friends and found family here gives me so much happiness, comfort and safety, and it’s a blessing getting to know all of them. I'm so proud and honored to be part of such an amazing, talented and kindhearted group of people. If you told November 2022 me what will happen by September/October 2024, she wouldn’t believe any of it.

In November 2022, I joined this fandom on Twitter, I stayed in the shadows mostly. I maybe liked and retweeted a few things, and also made tiktoks to promote the petition. But then the cancellation happened, and about 6000-7000 of us joined that first space with KTY. A few days into the campaign, I saw Jack (@jckjcksw) tweet about making groupchats, and I thought “what could be the harm”, so I joined and started reaching out to people. A large group of the people in that groupchat I’m still in contact with, and am still so grateful for. I have so many special memories with them, we even had this ongoing call for 1 year and three months on end. It was a beautiful time and I will never forget that. 

At the start of the campaign I was pretty shy, and I didn’t have much confidence or faith in myself. But through the months I kept meeting more and more amazing people who showed me that it’s okay to be me, that I’m not what my negative thoughts make me out to be. I joined the birthday project for KTY in December 2022 because of a friend. After that I started looking for little things I could help with in the campaign. And then I started sharing ideas with others, and now there’s Lorena’s birthday project, Olivia’s birthday project, the SWNostalgia books, and NunsRunTheWorld. These projects will always stay in my heart. And getting to sometimes help with the OCS Newsletter - with making the Spotify podcast and interviewing Meena - is something I’m so grateful for.

In August 2023, I went to the first Witchbomb which practically saved my life, it tore me away from a world where I felt lonely and abandoned, and gave me a safe place - a place where I really did belong. Aside from that, getting to meet and talk to and be recognised by so many of our amazing cast and crew is just amazing. Like Amalia said, it’s just a different timeline over there. In February 2024, I went to Halobearer and got to see some of my friends again and meet new ones. And in August 2024, I went to the second Witchbomb which was yet again just incredible. These cons are something that I think about daily, and I’ll always be so grateful for the opportunity to go. I don’t think I can ever fully process how unbelievable these weekends are.

Because of all the support, and seeing how a story like Warrior Nun could impact people, and also my love for films and by meeting friends in the film industry, it inspired me to just let go of fears and go for what makes me happy - AKA studying film. I’m not saying that I’ll definitely make it that big, of course. But even so, I’m just really happy where I am right now. Because now even in Belgium here at home, I’ve found my people because of that. 

There's so many people I'm grateful for in this fandom. So many who changed my way of thinking, who changed my life - even if some I don't really speak to anymore. I'd love to name all of them, but I'm not sure who'd like to be mentioned by name, so I hope they know when they read this. 

And now, I’m going to spare you from more rambling. 

OCS: A message you would like to send to the fandom?

I hope - regardless of how we're being treated as fans - you know you're all worth a lot. That your voice matters, and that we have to keep our hopes up that we will be heard one day. I think now is the time, especially with the whole financial fiasco that just happened, to raise our voices even more. I hope you all are doing well, and if not, I hope you know there's always someone in this family who's able to or would want to help out.

Name/Twitter Handle: James Thompson @JamesThompsonKS

OCS: Your thoughts when you heard the Trilogy announcement?

When I heard the announcement of the Warrior Nun Trilogy, I felt a surge of excitement for everyone who had fallen in love with the show and its vibrant fandom. There was immense pride in seeing how the fandom's worldwide, organized effort had achieved such a monumental goal. And, of course, a profound sense of relief washed over me, knowing that we would finally get to see the story brought to its rightful conclusion.

OCS: Your thoughts on Simon’s announcement that he wasn’t a part of the Trilogy? 

Upon hearing Simon's announcement that he would not be part of the Warrior Nun Trilogy, I was struck by a profound sense of confusion. How could such a pivotal figure in the show's creation be excluded from its continuation? This revelation immediately cast a shadow of doubt over the legitimacy of the trilogy, making me question the direction and authenticity of the whole endeavor.


OCS: Your thoughts on the “big announcement” that was only an art contest?

When the "big announcement" turned out to be merely an art contest, I felt a deep sense of frustration. I was pissed off. It seemed to exploit the momentum, passion, and energy of the fandom. The announcement missed the essence and spirit of the movement entirely. Instead of fostering goodwill, it bred animosity; instead of inspiring hope, it sowed distrust; instead of bringing joy, it incited anger. In short, it was a significant misstep. 


OCS: What does the hashtag #SaveOurWarriorNun mean to you?

  • To me, #SaveOurWarriorNun embodies the essence of the fandom and its ultimate goal. While a trilogy that diverges from the original storyline might pique my interest, my true desire lies in witnessing the completion of the narrative we all began together. "Our" Warrior Nun encompasses not only the beloved characters but also the entire creative team whose artistic vision we cherish and adore. 

  • Reflecting on the journey we've shared, from the first episode that captivated our hearts to the countless discussions and fan creations that followed, there's a deep sense of nostalgia. It's not just about the story; it's about the community we've built and the memories we've created along the way. 

OCS: Your thoughts on what the lack of news did to you and the fandom?

  • The prolonged silence regarding Warrior Nun and the trilogy announcement stirred a deep sense of anger and resentment within the fandom, including me. It felt as though those who genuinely cared about the show were being taken advantage of. Witnessing posts and threads filled with sadness and despair was heart-wrenching, akin to watching loved ones navigate the stages of grief typically associated with a death or divorce. The lack of information and the seemingly tantalizing yet elusive hope left me feeling frustrated and protective of the friends I had made within the community, who were hurt by this uncertainty. 

OCS: Your thoughts on the recent news the trilogy probably won’t happen due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company

  • The recent news that the Warrior Nun trilogy might not come to fruition due to alleged illegal activities by the funding company was, at the very least, some form of update. However, it also seemed to reflect the broader mishandling of the entire announcement and subsequent developments. From an outsider's perspective, it highlighted a troubling level of incompetence and a lack of foresight in selecting the right partners for such a significant project.

  • This revelation made me ponder whether it might actually be a blessing in disguise that the trilogy won't be completed. If the process was already marred by such serious issues, one can only imagine the potential damage that could have been inflicted on the legacy of our beloved Warrior Nun. It’s disheartening to think about, but perhaps it’s better to preserve the integrity of what we cherish rather than risk it being tarnished. 

OCS: Your thoughts on going back to the #SaveWarriorNun hashtag?

I like “#SaveOURWarriorNun”better because it sends a message that we want more than just a production called “Warrior Nun”, we want our characters, with our creative team, with our story line. That being said, I think either is good and more people are likely to use “#SaveWarriorNun”.

OCS: What does the #WarriorNun fandom mean to you? How has it changed you?

  • The #WarriorNun fandom has been a consistent source of joy, not just because of the show, but because of the incredible people within it. From the playful antics with those damned kiwis ( #TeamFruity) to the unwavering love and support from fans around the world, this community has been a wonderful respite from the often harsh realities of life, especially during my battle with cancer.

  • This fandom has truly highlighted the importance of representation in media. When the show was canceled, I was initially upset because I loved the series and its theme of “in this life or the next.” While I was saddened that the characters and storylines I found fascinating would not continue, I didn’t feel personally attacked. However, seeing the posts from fellow fans after the cancellation revealed a deeper pain. The fandom wasn’t just upset about the show ending; they felt personally rejected by Netflix, and not for the first time. This collective hurt and sense of personal rejection made me angry and motivated me to stand up and fight alongside this amazing community.

  • I watched in awe as these incredible individuals came together to organize a worldwide movement. I’ve never seen anything like it and probably never will again. I am profoundly thankful to have been a small part of this extraordinary journey. The gratitude I feel for the friendships and connections I’ve made within this fandom is immense. It has been a privilege to witness and contribute to such a passionate and dedicated community.

OCS: Any message you would like to send to the fandom?

To the incredible #WarriorNun fandom,

Words cannot fully express the depth of my gratitude and admiration for each and every one of you. Together, we have created something truly special—a community bound by our shared love for a show that has touched our hearts and inspired us in countless ways.

From the very beginning, your passion and dedication have been nothing short of extraordinary. Whether through organizing worldwide movements, sharing fan art, or simply offering words of support, you have shown the power of unity and the impact of collective effort. Your resilience and unwavering spirit have been a beacon of hope, not just for the show, but for each other.

In moments of uncertainty and disappointment, you have stood strong, turning adversity into a rallying cry for justice and representation. Your voices have echoed across the globe, reminding us all of the importance of being seen and heard. It is your love and commitment that have kept the spirit of Warrior Nun alive, even in the face of challenges.

As we look to the future, let us hold onto the memories we've created and the bonds we've forged. Let us continue to support one another, celebrate our victories, and find strength in our shared journey. No matter what lies ahead, know that this community will always be a source of joy, comfort, and inspiration.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this incredible adventure. I am profoundly grateful for the friendships and connections we've made, and I am honored to stand with you all. Together, we are unstoppable.

With heartfelt appreciation and love in this life and the next,


Our hope remains that our Warrior Nun will one day return. But one thing that will stay the same is the fandom we are all apart of. From the artists to writers to everyone sharing their everyday lives. One thing will stay the same: We are here to stay!